Stara Łomnica – tower house


   The defensive-residential tower in Stara Łomnica was built in the second half of the 14th century or possibly at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Exact dating of its origins is impossible due to the lack of documents, it is only known that it was erected by the Pannwitz family, then owners of local goods. Perhaps it was founded by Konrad Pannewitz, who was the first to write from Łomnica (Konrad von der Lomnicz) at the beginning of the 15th century. Probably in the Middle Ages to the east of the tower, a residential building was erected, which in the 16th century was transformed into a Renaissance manor house. It quickly replaced the original seat of Pannwitzs. In the nineteenth century, some of the ceilings, stairs and the roof were replaced. In 1935 conservation works were carried out and the plasters were removed from the tower’s façades.


   The tower is a stone structure, five-storey, about 14 meters high and 10.7 meters by 12.7 meters in plan. It was placed on the most defensive place, on a small hill from which it could dominate the area. Its original height and the type of the top are unknown, it was probably covered by a steep hip or gable roof.
In walls of the tower irregularly arranged windows with stone jambs have been located and in the ground floor on the eastern side an entrance portal was placed. A separate upper entrance led through external, probably timber stairs, directly to the level of the first floor. The ground floor and the first floor had originally economic functions, above there was a high, probably representative chamber. The fourth and fifth floors housed residential chambers, as indicated by the remains of the latrine in the west façade.
On the south side of the tower there was a wall, which was probably adjacent to domestic buildings. It is not known whether the wall created a closed defensive circuit.

Current state

   The tower has been preserved in very good condition to modern times, only some window openings and its finial have been transformed. Currently, it is in private hands, that is why sightseeing is possible only after obtaining the permission of the owners.

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Chorowska M., Rezydencje średniowieczne na Śląsku, Wrocław 2003.
Leksykon zamków w Polsce, red. L.Kajzer, Warszawa 2003.