Pastuchów – tower house


   The tower in Pastuchów was erected at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, as the seat of the von Kalkreuth family. It is a remnant of a medieval castle. In the second half of the 16th century a mansion and farm buildings were added in the neighborhood. Between 1835 and 1945 the estate was owned by von Wietersheim – Kramst family.


   The four-storey stone tower was built on a rectangular plan measuring 9,5×11 meters with a small extension that housed a staircase. Window openings have renaissance character, the gables of the shorter tower facades are decorated with blendes.

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Chorowska M., Rezydencje średniowieczne na Śląsku, Wrocław 2003.
Leksykon zamków w Polsce, red. L.Kajzer, Warszawa 2003.