Panków – castle


   Panków since the fourteenth century was the seat of knights, perhaps created on an earlier hillfort foundation. The stone castle was built in the second or fourth quarter of the fifteenth century. In 1699 it underwent a thorough reconstruction, which gave it the character of a Baroque palace. In the nineteenth century, its restaurant was conducted, but during the Second World War the castle was destroyed and has been in ruin since then.


   The castle consisted of an oval circumference of defensive walls preceded by a moat. Inside, two, probably two-story buildings were erected, one of which was located in the northern bow of the perimeter, and the other opposite. The entrance was located through a four-sided, three-story gatehouse tower measuring 5 x 6 meters. This tower did not have a basement and was topped with a crenelage. The gate passage was wide from the outside, but inside it was narrowed with a two-arm portal.

Current state

   Currently, the castle, rebuilt into a early modern palace, is in a state of unprotected ruin. From the original medieval building, the most interesting element is the preserved gatehouse. In addition, there is a castle moat, lower parts of the defensive wall and relics of the original northern house.

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Chorowska M., Rezydencje średniowieczne na Śląsku, Wrocław 2003.
Leksykon zamków w Polsce, red. L.Kajzer, Warszawa 2003.