News at – October 2020

   In October I added 27 new monuments from Scotland, 10 monuments from Slovakia (Gemersky Jablonec, Jur nad Hronem, Krupina, Liptovskie Sliace, Lubica, Orthanky, Sadok, Spiska Sobota, Spiski Hrhov and Trstene), 5 Czech churches (Pertoltice, Sezemice, Stare Zdanice, Stojice, Zivanice), 11 Welsh monuments (churches in Beddgelert, Cardigan, Llangua, Llanllugan, Puffin monastery, Slebech commandry, Talgarth tower house, Neolithic tomb Llech y Drybedd, Llys Rhosyr royal court, Pen y Bannau hillfort and Penmaen Castle). For now only in Polish.
   I corrected and significantly expanded descriptions with new graphics: Kałków, Tyniec, Lubiechowa, Mycielin, Gdańsk’s Franciscan monastery, St. John’s Church in Bartoszyce, Czocha Castle, St. Bridget’s Abbey in Gdańsk, church in Reszel, Holy Spirit hospital in Frombork, basilica in Kętrzyn, basilica in Orneta, Krupy, Franciscan Abbey in Krosno, Holy Trinity Church in Lubań, Malbork mills, Ostrów Lednicki, Czech castles: Blansko and Strekov, and Welsh castles Brecon and Bronllys.