Pęzino – church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


   The church in Pęzino (Pansin) was erected in the mid-16th century on the initiative of the then owner of the town, Matzke III from the Pomeranian Borcke family. In the second half of the 16th century, it was rebuilt for the Evangelical parish, which inserted a gallery inside and enlarged church by a southern chapel. In 1893, the windows of the eastern wall were transformed with new stained glass windows. In 1902, its wooden tower burnt down after a lightning strike. It was rebuilt after four years, but in a brick construction. Along with it, a porch was erected on the north side, the interior of the church was renovated and the shape of the windows was changed. The next interior and roof renovation was carried out in 1956.


   The church was originally a simple aisleless building erected of erratic stones and bricks on a rectangular plan with dimensions of 20 x 11.4 meters, without an externally separated chancel. Initially, there was a wooden tower on the west side of the nave. The most decorative element of the building was the eastern gable, decorated with brick double blendes with tracery motifs passing into pinnaclesThe entrance was traditionally located in the southern wall, while the lighting was provided by three southern and two eastern windows. The northern wall probably originally had no openings. The interior of the church was covered with a wooden, beam ceiling.

Current state

   The church was significantly transformed in the early modern period, and its nave was enlarged by a western tower, a northern porch and a southern chapel. The windows of the nave were also transformed. The eastern façade of the church remains the closest to its original appearance, and was also the most decorative part of the building at the end of the Middle Ages. The interior was also transformed, mainly due to the insertion of the western gallery in the second half of the 16th century.

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Katalog zabytków powiatu stargardzkiego, red. M.Majewski, tom II, Stargard 2010.
Lemcke H., Die Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler des Regierungsbezirks Stettin, Der Kreis Satzig, Stettin 1908.
Pilch J., Kowalski S., Leksykon zabytków Pomorza Zachodniego i ziemi lubuskiej, Warszawa 2012.