Nowa Kościelnica – arcade house


   The village of Nowa Kościelnica (Neumünsterberg) was founded on the initiative of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Winrich von Kniprode, who in 1352 entrusted its foundation to a certain Nicholas. The arcaded house belonging to the Wiebe family was built there in the middle of the 18th century.


   The house of the Wiebe family was situated in the southern part of the village. It was created as a two-story structure on a rectangular plan, covered with a gable roof, next enlarged by a side wing. The building was erected on a brick foundation, in a half-timbered structure, i.e. a wooden frame was filled with bricks in order to stabilize and stiffen the structure, while the ground floor of the side wing was made of wood in a log construction technique. All the gables of the house were faced with timber planks.
   The walls made in the half-timbered technique had a complex structure consisting of wooden load-bearing elements, which were horizontal beams: sill plates (beams based on the foundation) and caps (upper beams covering the walls), between which the poles were stretched with brackets. Unlike the wattle and daub technique, in which the walls were filled with a mixture of clay, straw or reeds, bricks were used in the Nowa Kościelnica house. Characteristically, the beams played both a structural and decorative function.

   On the west side of the building there was a characteristic arcade, supported by 9 wooden pillars with decorative brackets and two, short, half-timbered side walls. Vertical communication was provided by stairs in the central part of the building with a veranda, on the two sides of which there were living and utility rooms (there was an arcade on the third side, and a wing on the fourth side). In the side wing there is a large fireplace with a kitchen.

Current state

   The arcaded house No. 64 from Nowa Kościelnica, despite the late construction date and several subsequent transformations, has been included in this website due to small changes in the half-timbered construction technique since the Middle Ages. There is also an arcaded house No. 50 from the first half of the 19th century in the village.

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Schmid B., Bau-und Kunstdenkmäler des Kreises Marienburg, Die Städte Neuteich und Tiegenhof und die lädlichen Ortschaften, Danzig 1919.