Place in the church for the celebrant and liturgical service, usually situated in the presbytery, south of the altar.Initially, it was rather simple in form, with time it began to take more and more decorative shapes.Sedilia were often stone niches or recesses, decorated with roofs, canopies, wimpergs, trefoils or pinnacles.
triple sedilia in St Mary’s church, Iffley, England, 12th/13th century, photo Wikimedia Commons
sedilia in the Ardfert Cathedral, 13th century, Ireland, photo: A.Borchert, Wikimedia Commons
timber sedilia in the cathedral in Naumburg, Germany, late 14th century, photo: A.Hoernigk, Wikimedia Commons
gothic sedilia in the church of Maria Lebing, 15th century, Austria, photo Wikimedia Commons